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An invitation to participate in the eighth session of the “Rawaq Egypt Vision 2030 Forum”

News Details

Dec 18, 2022

Sunday 12-18-2022 The NGO Capacity Building Unit invites you to participate in the eighth monthly discussion session of the “Egypt Vision 2030 Rawaq Forum.” The session will be entitled “Methods of monitoring and evaluation of projects in light of the sustainable development goals.” Where Dr. Mohamed Salahi will be hosted. Doctorate in Business Administration at Suez Canal University and Youth Empowerment Consultant. The panel discussion will address many important points about: 📑 Sustainable development goals (indicators - targets) 📑 How to link sustainable development goals and social projects. 📑 Establishing follow-up and evaluation mechanisms in light of the goals and indicators of the 2030 goals 📑 Designing follow-up and evaluation plans It is worth noting that “Egypt Vision 2030 Corridor” is a virtual interactive dialogue forum that brings together experts specialized in the field of various development issues and individuals active in the field of local community development, such as workers in civil society organizations, social entrepreneurs, media professionals, and researchers in the field of development. The corridor aims to spread awareness and knowledge of priority development issues within society, their various dimensions and their relationship to sustainable development, as well as highlighting the development efforts undertaken by various parties within society. The seminar will be held on Sunday, December 25, 2022 from five in the evening until eight via Zoom. For those who wish to participate, please register through the following link: #Egypt_Vision_Rowaq 2030 #Sustainable_national_work